Children's Ministry

About Children's Ministry @ THe mount

Sunday Mornings


We are so happy you will be joining us for Sunday school!  We offer a nursery class, preschool (ages 2-4), K-2nd, 3rd-5th, and Youth class each Sunday morning.  Our sweet nursery class will be learning 5 big truths this year—God is good, God is in charge of everything, God made everything, God wants us to pray, and Jesus came to save sinners.  Our preschool class will be discovering how they can know God through His creation, His sovereignty, His Son, and more.  Our Kinder-youth classes will be focusing on Christian foundations, the gospel, and diving into God’s Word beginning with His creation.  We encourage you to discuss the weekly take home sheets & activities your child(ren) bring home each Sunday.  Songs and resources are also provided in the Sunday school emails.   May we grow closer to God and his Holy Word as a family, growing in wisdom and knowledge together.  May that be a focus for us this coming year!


We also encourage you to memorize the 10 Bible verses we will be hiding in our hearts as a church family this year.  We will be focusing on 1 verse every 4-5 weeks.  Children will have the opportunity to recite these verses to their teachers for a special prize and a pin to put on their Sunday school bag.  


Please bring your own personal Bible and your Sunday school bag to class each Sunday.  We understand these materials might be forgotten some weeks.  If you are in need of a Bible, please let us know.  We would love to provide you with one.


The safety of our children and our volunteers is very important to us. Our wonderful volunteer team has been fingerprinted and trained to care for children and share the gospel.  We are so blessed to have such a dedicated team!


In class we ask that all children respect their teachers and peers.  Here are our 6 classroom rules:

  1. Love God and Each Other

  2. Listen Well

  3. Speak Kind Words

  4. Help One Another 

  5. Ask Forgiveness and Forgive Others

  6. Tell the Truth

In order to keep our children healthy and safe, please do not place children in TMBC’s care if the child has a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting within the last 48 hours, green or yellow runny nose, eye or skin infections, or any other infectious diseases.

We look forward to spending Sunday mornings with you this year!


We are studying one question each week, during Sunday school, using the New City Catechism.  A catechism like this provides a summary of our Christian faith, taken from the Bible, in question & answer format.