2023 Week 7 Reading – Acts 17-18

2023 Week 7 Reading – Acts 17-18

Sometimes when I read Scripture, I process my reading and the end result is some clear, developed thinking… much more often, it’s more like bullet points and questions in my head that I want to get back to later! So here are some bullet points that came to my mind while reading through Acts 17-18 this week.

2023 Week 5 Reading – Acts 8

2023 Week 5 Reading – Acts 8

The book of Acts traces the spread of the best news in the world. It’s the news that the promised Messiah King has arrived; he has died; he has risen; he will come again. This news needed to be spread, and that’s exactly what we see happening here in Acts 8. This need doesn’t go […]

2023 Week 5 Reading – Acts 6

2023 Week 5 Reading – Acts 6

One of the things we’re told in the Scriptures is that the servant is no greater than the Master—if people hated Jesus, they will hate His followers.

2023 Week 4 Reading – Acts 4

2023 Week 4 Reading – Acts 4

In the first half of Acts 4 Peter and John are arrested by the temple guard and thrown in jail overnight. The next day they are brought before the council, interrogated, and threatened. After the Jewish leaders reluctantly release them, Peter and John return to the fledgling church. It’s their response at this point that […]

2023 Week 4 Reading – Acts 2

2023 Week 4 Reading – Acts 2

How amazing would it have been to be present on the Day of Pentecost when the Spirit was poured out
and the early Christians were filled?

2023 Week 3 Reading – Mark 14

Jan 19 Reading

We live in a society that prizes self-confidence. A lack of self-confidence is often seen as a fatal flaw and the presence of self-confidence almost as a guarantee of success.

2023 Week 2 Reading – Mark 6

2023 Week 2 Reading – Mark 6

As I was reading this morning’s passage from the 5x5x5 Reading Plan (the feeding of the five-thousand and Jesus walking on water), I was struck again by two realities.

2023 Week 1 Reading – Mark 4

2023 Week 1 Reading – Mark 4

This week, our reading plan has us in the first five chapters of Mark’s Gospel.  Mark is a fast-paced Gospel with a quick crescendo as Jesus’ power and authority are made very apparent.